"Hamsi Singer" ile Alakalı İçerikler

Hamsi Singer

Hamsi Singer

You can send all informations (Artist,Title,Album,Cover,Lyrics,Rating...) that you listening songs to Kopete. Hamsi Singer is extention for amarok 2.x and Kopete(KDE4).

English language added to V0.4 of Hamsi Singer.

French language added to 0.9.01 of Hamsi Singer.Translated by Jeremy Meunier.Thank you Jeremy Meunier.

Şimdi Ne Mi Söylüyor? added to V0.5 of Hamsi Singer.

"Şimdi Ne Mi DinliyoruM?" is old name of Hamsi Manager.V0.8.1 is lastest version of "Şimdi Ne Mi DinliyoruM?".Project name changed in V0.8.50.

Features :

  • Show Album Cover In Avatar
  • Show Atrist Name
  • Show Soung Title
  • Show Album Name
  • Show Album Artist Name
  • Show Rating
  • Show Soung`s Current Time
  • Show Path Of Soung Cover
  • Show Soung`s Year
  • Show Soung Lenght
  • Show Path Of Soung File
  • Show Track No
  • Show Soung`s Genre
  • Show Soung`s Comment
  • ******* Show Soung`s Lyrics ********
  • Show Soung`s BitRate
  • Show Soung`s SampleRate

System Requirements :

Source Codes and Other Files

Devamını Oku ⇒
Mar 20, 2011, 9:11:13 PM Murat Demir