Hamsi Manager

Hamsi Manager

Hamsi Manager is a file manager which was developed for extra operations. You can perform a process to multiple files at once. You can perform multiple processes to multiple files at once or over and over again the next time. Offers you more options as possible, all the while. Aimed to create a fully customizable environment and it aims to combine with ease of use. Distributed under the GPLv3 license and is a project developed with entirely Open Source libraries.

It basically does the following:

  • Corrects the character/encoding errors in your system as well as change file encoding from one to another (UTF-8, ISO-8859-9,CP 1254 etc.)
  • Arranges everything for you to find your mp3s, files and folders easily
  • Deletes the unneeded files (based on your criteria) and folders (such as empty folders) so that your system becomes uncluttered.

Source Codes and Other Files

Feb 27, 2015, 9:39:22 PM Murat Demir
Jun 10, 2015, 7:16:08 PM Murat Demir